Valeriy Timoshenko
Doctor of History, the head of the World History Department of Far Eastern State University of Humanities. Was graduated from Khabarovsk State Pedagogical Institute (1983), he finished postgraduate studies at the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute (1989). In 1993, he took an internship in the Lewis and Clark College, Oregon, USA. In 2001 he worked at the East West Center of Honolulu USA, as a “visiting fellow”. Member of Russian History Society, member of Russian Military-History Society, head of regional brunch Russian sosiety “Knowledge”.
Business address: Russia, 680000, Khabarovsk str. K. Marx 68 Tel. (4212) 42-06-37;
Scientific publications:
Timoshenko V.N. South Pacific region on the threshold of the twenty-first century: challenges of foreign and security policy. 2009.-379.
- Policy of France in the Pacific Region at the End of the Twentieth Century//Social Sciences and Humanities in the Far East. No. 3 (3). – Khabarovsk, 2004.
- Australia in the Second Half of the 20th Century: Searching for National and Political Identity//East. Afro-Asian Society: History and Modernity. – № 1. – 2005.
- Australia’s National Security and Foreign Policy of the Howard’s Government at the Turn of the 20TH-21st Centuries. //Problems of the Far East. – № 3. – 2005.
- Unnecessary Region? Policy of the United States in Oceania, After the «Cold War»//Asia and Africa Today. – № 5. – 2006.
- New Zealand at the End of the Twentieth Century: Peculiarities of National and Political Identity and “New Nationalism”//East. Afro-Asian Society: History and Modernity. – № 4. – 2006.
- The Concept of the “Small Country” and the Foreign Policy of New Zealand at the End of the Twentieth Century//Bulletin of the Chelyabinsk State University. – № 6. – 2009.
- Oceania at the Present: the Forgotten Problems of “Unnecessary” Region//East. Afro-Asian Society: History and Modernity. – № 4. – 2009.
- Raskol-Gang or “New Sandpit Generals.” Specific of Socio-Criminal Situation in Papua New Guinea//Asia and Africa Today. – No. 10. – 2009.
- “Report of Dibba” and Australia’s Policy in the Sphere of National Defense in the 80-ies of the 20TH Century // World of Science, Culture, education – № 3 (28). – 2011.
- The Doctrine Of G. Howard and Australia’s Peacekeeping Activities in the Asia-Pacific Region//Bulletin of Pacific State University. No. 3. – Khabarovsk, 2011.
Assistant Director
Marina Osipova
She graduated from the Institute of Linguistics and International Communications of the Far Eastern State University of Humanities (2006).
WebSite Administrator
Denis Timoshenko
Program coordinator
Andrey Fomin
Project manager
Sergey Vasilenko