
November 28, 2011 Director of APIR Center Timoshenko V.N. met with the Scientific Secretaryof the Institute of history and ethnography of the Far East in Vladivostok, Makarenko V.G. Provisional agreement has been reached.

December 7 , 2011 Director of APIR Center Timoshenko V.N. met with the Head of the Study Center of modern Japan, Institute of far east of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow) Kistanov V.O. Cooperation agreement has been reached.

December 8 , 2011 Director of APIR Center Timoshenko V.N. met with the Head of the Southeast Asia, Australia and Oceania Study Centre, the Institute of Oriental Studies (Moscow) Mosiakov D.V. Cooperation agreement has been reached.

December 14, 2011 Director of APIR Center Timoshenko V.N. gave an interview to the Chinese TV channel CCTV on Russian-Chinese relations.

December 14, 2011 Director of APIR Center Timoshenko V.N. gave an interview to Interfax on the Kuril issue.

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