With the advent of a new Russian submarine “Lada” in the past will go a whole era of the American “command of the sea,” Washington has lost the main instrument of “power projection” to remote regions and in danger of completely losing its global geopolitical role.
In recent years, the West avalanche of anti-Russian hysteria militaristic. Finding that instead of yielding liberal “Russians” in Eurasia suddenly revived historical, traditional, imperial Russia, angered and insulted by decades of humiliation and insults from the arrogant and deceitful Western Sodom, “free” European and American media are full of alarmist headlines about the “military preparations “Moscow.
Should we, Russian, launch a rocket from the Plesetsk cosmodrome or missile submarine in the Barents Sea, or send in patrols along the borders of their European air missile, it immediately becomes an occasion for countless accusations of “militarism and imperialism,” “nuclear brinkmanship” “intimidation of the international community”, etc. stupid. Meanwhile, many of the really important news that are directly related to a change in the military-strategic balance of power in Eurasia, pass unnoticed by the general reader.
Here is one of such news.
October 13, 2014 news “RIA Novosti”, citing a source in the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation said: “In Russia, decided to mass production airindependent power plants (VNEU) to equip future submarines of Project 677” Lada “. Test pilot at the booth layout VNEU successful. The following tests will be carried out directly at the boat. ”
This message is passed virtually unnoticed, even among military observers nobody paid much attention to him. And in vain! For this decision marks a real revolution in the field of military submarine.
Advantages and disadvantages of underwater hunters
Today, all submarines by the type of power plants are divided into two types: the submarine with a nuclear power plant (nuclear reactor) and diesel-electric submarines (SSK), moving on the surface by means of a diesel engine, and underwater – using electric motors, deriving energy from batteries.
Nuclear submarines appeared in the Soviet Navy in the late 50s of the last century. The first submarine 627-year project entitled “Leninsky Komsomol” was put into operation in 1957. Since then and to this day nuclear submarines constitute the main striking force of our fleet, as bearers of a wide range of the most formidable weapons – from strategic intercontinental missiles and tactical nuclear torpedoes to high-precision cruise missiles, long-range, making today the basis of Russian strategic forces non-nuclear deterrence.
Nuclear submarines have a number of outstanding advantages: virtually unlimited residence time under water, high speed underwater speed and great depth of immersion, the ability to carry a huge number of various weapons and equipment. High power available, achieved great power nuclear power plant, allows you to build a very large displacement boats and place them not only a lot of weapons, but also highly complex sonar, communications, electronic reconnaissance and navigation.
But alas – the main advantage of nuclear power plant, its power, is both the source of the main drawbacks of nuclear submarines. This drawback – a large noise. The presence on board the submarine nuclear reactor (and sometimes two) with the entire range of related mechanisms: turbines, generators, pumps, refrigeration units, fans, etc. – Inevitably generates a huge number of different frequency oscillation and vibration and requires sophisticated techniques to reduce the noise level is a major factor in unmasking any submarines.
But diesel-electric submarine under water is almost silent. Electric motors are powered by batteries, do not require turbines and other equipment high noisly. Therefore, the diesel-electric submarines sneaking into the ocean depths, almost rustling, like a dangerous predatory fish, hunt down the gaping booty.
However, this fish can stay under water for a relatively short time – just a few days. While it is moving in the depths of the ocean very slowly, saving energy reserve, which in comparison with atomic “sharks” is simply insignificant. A lack of energy, in turn, imposes serious constraints on displacement, weapons, and other key characteristics of the diesel-electric submarines. In fact, these boats are not completely “underwater”, they can be rather called “dive”, because most of the time on deployment routes they spend on the surface, and in areas of combat patrols regularly forced to ascend and include diesel engine to recharge the batteries .
For example, in modern Russian diesel-electric submarines of the project 636.3 margin submerged speed is only 400 miles. And it moves under water mainly speed of 3 knots, i.e. 5.4 km / h. Therefore, to pursue their prey underwater, such boat can not. She is forced to rely on intelligence, which should bring it to a given point on the route deployment of enemy ships. Hence, the main way to combat the use of diesel-electric submarines – the so-called “Veil”, ie Submarine deployment of a line perpendicular to the probable rate of target movement, at specific intervals from each other. The entire group of participating submarines operated by an external command post, which creates additional telltale factors and reduces the stability and efficiency of combat groups submarines. Taking into account also that the depth of Layered ASW modern American aircraft carrier strike group is more than 300 miles (more than 550 km), it becomes clear how difficult our SSK withstand such an enemy.
It is not surprising that the cherished dream of all divers is to create a submarine with a fundamentally new power plant, which will combine the advantages of nuclear and diesel-electric submarines: power and secrecy, more autonomous diving and low noise…
Fairy tale come true
So: Russian submarines of Project 677 “Lada” with airindependent power plant just is a serious breakthrough in this direction that will appear on the Russian submarine fleet fundamentally new frontiers.
“Lada” are small, their displacement is almost two times less than that of the famous “Varshavyanka.” But her arms very complex serious and unusually large. In addition to traditional mine and torpedo weapons SSK (6 torpedo tubes 533 mm, 18 torpedoes or mines), 667 th project – the world’s first non-nuclear submarines, equipped with specialized launchers for cruise missiles (10 vertical PU in the middle part of the body). Moreover, these can be as KR tactical, anti-shock, and long-range missiles designed to destroy strategic targets deep in enemy territory.
But the most important feature of the new Russian submarine is VNEU, air-independent propulsion plant. Without going into details, interesting art, we note that the presence of VNEU allow “frets” be submerged up to 25 days, which is almost 10 times longer than their famous “big sisters” – “from Warsaw” project 636.3! In this case, noise from “Lada” will be even less than that of the famous varshavyanskoy “black hole”, which the Americans have nicknamed so because of the fact that it is almost impossible to detect.
NATO countries have long been trying to equip its submarines such VNEU. “Legislators” modes in this region are Germany and Sweden. German shipbuilders from the end of the 90s built small submarine project 212 \ 214, equipped with a hybrid power plant. It includes surface speed diesel engine for recharging batteries and themselves silver-zinc batteries for economical and VNEU underwater speed based on fuel cells, comprising a tank with cryogenic oxygen and a metal hydride container (special metal alloy with hydrogen in the compound).
Boat equipment such anaerobic installation allowed the Germans to increase the residence time of its submerged up to 20 days. And now the German “baby” with VNEU various modifications are in service with Germany, Italy, Portugal, Turkey, Israel, Korea and some other countries.
Swedish group Kockums Submarin Systems, in turn, at the end of the last century began the construction of submarines Gotland class with VNEU based on a so-called “Stirling engine”. When using it, these boats can also be under water without recharging the batteries up to 20 days. And now the submarine with Stirling engines are not only in Scandinavia, but also in Australia, Japan, Singapore and Thailand.
But neither the German nor the Swedish submarines are small, in fact coastal boats do not go to any comparison with the Russian “frets” – either in their tactical and technical characteristics nor the diversity and power of weapons. Our submarines of Project 667 in all respects are unique in this class in terms of quality vehicles of the new generation!
CDB “Ruby” – the main developer of submarines in Russia, designed the “Lada” so that it is able to deliver salvo torpedo-missile strikes on marine and stationary ground targets as from torpedo tubes, and specialized vertical missile silos. Due to the unique sonar system, our boat has significantly increased the distance target detection. It can dive to 300 meters, has a Full submerged speed up to 21 knots, autonomy – 45 days. To reduce noise vibration isolators used boats, all-mode propulsion motor with permanent magnets. The hull is covered with pictures “Lightning”, absorbing sonar signals.
About VNEU our boat a little known yet. Just as the Germans, it is based is an electrochemical generator. But it will be fundamentally different in that the hydrogen required for VNEU be obtained directly on board using the existing processing of diesel fuel. Therefore, the Russian VNEU be much more economical German counterpart, which will increase the time it continuously finding the boat under water up to 25 days. At the same time, and cost “Harmony” will be substantially less than the German boat project 212 \ 214.
Until 2020, the Russian Navy expects to receive 14 units of new submarines of the 4th generation.
Crusher balances
The reader to understand how much the new Russian submarine with VNEU be able to change the balance of power between Russia and the United States, will give only one example. “Four to six such submarines – said in late 2010 in an interview to” RIA Novosti “Vice-Admiral Viktor Patrushev – can completely block such closed or semi-closed water area as Black, Baltic and Caspian Seas. Their advantages are obvious to any naval specialist. ”
I’d add that to the deployment of the Russian Navy further two or three compounds “Lad” is able to fundamentally change the balance of power not only in the Baltic Sea, the Caspian Sea and Black Sea, but also in the North, and in the Mediterranean, the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean. In the North, in the Barents Sea are guaranteed to cover the boat capable of deployment routes Russian strategic missile submarines from any infringement of anti-US forces and NATO, which will significantly improve the combat stability of the naval component of our strategic nuclear forces.
Who are our missile combat duty for the most part under the ice of the Arctic, where they are virtually inaccessible to enemy action. Americans can detect, track and hit our submarine is only at the stage of its transition to the area of combat patrol. A “Lada” 667-year project are ideally suited to counter US submarines is following our “strategy”, as they hear them at distances much greater than the Americans are able to hear the “Lada”. In such circumstances, the defeat of the enemy submarines – whether “Lada” on their own, or with the help of guidance on it ASW aircraft and ships – is becoming a matter of technique.
With regard to the Mediterranean, the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean, the presence in their waters in sufficient quantity submarines like “Lada”, there is practically nullifies the American naval power, the core of which are aircraft carrier strike groups (CSGs). Even in Soviet times, “dizelyuhi” project managed to break through the 641B antisubmarine defense aircraft carriers and used to pop up right under the noses of the stunned American admirals. And only a small stock of underwater course, the lack of long-range missile yes inability to stay underwater longer than 3 days gave the American a chance in this confrontation with the Soviet submariners.
Today, with the proviso that “Lada” will be really able to stay underwater for up to 25 days, its ammunition will include powerful anti-ship missile system similar to the “Caliber”, and intelligence and guidance on submarines AUG will be using layered intelligence, including space grouping such chances vaunted shtatovskih carriers will not be! This means that in the past will go a whole era of the American “command of the sea”, Washington actually lose its main tool “power projection” to remote regions and finally lose its global geopolitical role.
Constantine Dushenov
Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia