Alexander Zapolskis. Soros: EU should plunge Ukraine into a war – or bury the EU Ukraine

Smart guy named George Soros gave an interview to the German magazine Cicero. His much quoted today on both sides of the geopolitical front line. With “our side” – more ridicule. And a very good reason. Soros – a man is definitely smart. Without looking, it was clean water speculator. To make a fortune in 24 billion dollars, it is necessary to have a very good brain. And smart people always worth listening to. Agree with them or not – a separate issue. Send a forest is never too late. But still better to listen carefully. Suddenly he’s talking?

Especially, if we set aside the idealistic slogans, his speech is based on a fairly simple points: Firstly, now there is a war for the future of Europe. Secondly, it is conducted in Ukraine. Third, for its success the EU and the IMF are required urgently to provide Ukraine $ 20 billion. Fourth, the defeat in Ukraine will lead to the disintegration of the European Union. Fifth, what is happening throughout the EU itself to blame. Everything else is a verbal explanation husks professor negligent and location close to students not reached, in general, quite obvious. Soros, of course, for Russia the enemy, but it does not detract from the degree of its rightness.

The war for the future of Europe

Someone still has doubts about this? Europe originated, developed, strengthened, and lifted only by the establishment at the leading economies of the world. Of course, today the EU only the second economy, after the United States, but the fact that not changing. Leading economy is not just the most money. Leading economy is certainly leading position in almost every aspect of life.

You want an airplane? You have two options. The first – to come to Europe and buy a ready, paying, say, 200 million euros. The second – to build it at home yourself. But for this we need to build factories, train staff, buy machines, power transformers, computers, design, construct, break-five other prototypes. All it will take tens of trillions of euros. And even in this scenario, you first come back to Europe to buy machines, technology and knowledge.

That is why the world’s leading economy always wins. Whatever you choose, profit still get the leader. Not only because there is nowhere to take. There is such a saying apt. The winner is not the one who best plays by the rules, wins always the one who determines the rules. And they are determined leaders. Just because the economy is leading the biggest and richest. Anyone who first got something, made or invented in the first place is to sell to the market leader. Because there are concentrated the most money. To sell, he is inevitably forced their goods and notions initially adjust to the requirements of the leader. In every sense. Whether it’s milk, shoes, tractor or a movie.

As long as Europe is a world economic leader, it can not afford to live as she pleases. Select children from immigrants and send them to raise homosexual couples. Pay farmers for ensuring that they are on their own land were not working. Arrange the war on any “interest” territories. Impose sanctions. Under false pretenses does not fulfill its contractual obligations, for example, not to give landing helicopter. Even just pick someone else’s money through the freezing of foreign assets.

But while Europe – the leader. The loss means the collapse of the entire leadership. Today, only a few historians and some curious people remember that in the Middle Ages, the world’s leading (economic, political and cultural) were Spain and Portugal. And who are they now?

The current global economy is such that financial and industrial center of the planet began to move in the direction of Asia and Russia. Yet the process is in its beginning. Yet it can slow down. There’s even a good chance it rip. Cancel completely, of course, will not work, but frozen in its current form is still 20-30 years – completely. To do this, Europe needs to win the war, which is in Ukraine.

Ukrainian war

When Poroshenko and other current Ukrainian leaders publicly say that are waging a war for Europe, they are not wrong at the Grand. Indeed the war, and indeed for Europe. However, they did not lead it. Here Ukrainians little role overrated. War is being waged by them. US and some forces in the EU just took advantage of Ukraine for their own purposes. The main objective is to link the economic, social and political empowerment of further Russian. Diversion of its forces from the process of Euro-Asian economic and political integration. The fate of the Ukrainians themselves “civilized world” is not interested. Someone asks opinion pigs, which are sent to the chops?

Ukrainians task – to fight. As long as possible. As can be unbridled. As can be bloody. In contrast to Russia, Europe, he has never considered the territory of the European and the people living on it – part of a single European nation. “His” Ukrainians only perceives Russia. According to the “civilized Europeans” this is the Russian national weakness. Actually, the whole strategy of the war based on such a “European” perception.

Russia can not leave Ukrainians breathe starve and freeze to death in the ruins. Europe “win” even if the whole of Ukraine will be one huge ashes littered with stinking corpse. Because Russia will take him to recover and people – to save. Despite the fact that the salvation of the humanitarian disaster will cost an incredible abyss of money and threatens to undermine the rescuer’s own economy. Fraught with internal social destabilization, leading to the destruction of the Russian state already. This is the main difference between the total Russian world. We will save, even at the risk themselves.

The game of “good civilized Europeans”, including immensely peaceful USA, envisages the creation of a chess fork. Even if I may say so, “trilki.”

Russia does not interfere in the Ukrainian events? Gets gangrene on its borders, fraught with the transfer of infection Maidan on its own territory. With all the same amenities that today observed in Ukraine. One to one. Including the territorial disintegration. How many will die with the Russians – it does not matter. Those who established the medal “For the victory in the Cold War,” and those whom they honored it does not worry too much about how many people died in the ruins of the Soviet Union, frozen, died, or even not born. But, according to estimates of sociologists, the collapse of the Soviet Union during the 1990s – early 2000s, turned a loss of at least 15 million people.

Russia strongly captures Ukraine “two weeks”? Receives 35 million population is very muddy, somewhere at least 15-20% of the infected aggressive nationalist fascist ideas. Plus the current economic and infrastructural devastation. And then, and more wastes resources and undermines social cohesion and ultimately connects the possibility of the Russian Federation on the formation of a new Euro-Asian world.

Russia tries between Scylla and Charybdis slip? The civil war raging in the Ukraine, in the end, throughout the country. Which leads to the transformation of the whole of Ukraine in Donetsk complete analogue of the current village Sands. In the ruins. In famine. In the cold. In total collapse of social infrastructure. From the fact that the plague or smallpox no longer mow people millions, the mere threat of epidemics will not go away. Sooner or later, Russia on these ruins still have to come, save, restore and rebuild. Again, only at his own expense.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was able to find a strategy that will allow Russia to the “civilized” to break the script. The project “Ukraine” has stalled. But the “War on Ukraine” is far from over. While there is a living svidomye voluntarily wishing Maidan and jumping, Ukrainians, according to the “Western strategy”, are obliged to fight on. They only have to continue the war begin quickly running out of money.

EU and IMF money to Ukraine

George Soros is well versed in money and opportunities. Because for him it is obvious that Europe does not understand, and that just does not fit in the minds of Ukrainians svidomye. Modern war requires a lot of money. And not a one-time and permanent. In order to maintain the system of national economy. How many Whatever pyzhilis “volunteers”, no matter how much they saluted no matter how many pictures the distribution of warm pants not laid out in the Network Economy inexorable law. On the dash can be one-time feed and dress battalion. You can get hundreds of night sights and a squadron of unmanned drones. On the “donations” you can even buy a tank! Still, every day fighting Ukraine worth about 1.5-2 million. This is the most donations, volunteers harvested for seven months of fighting.

Donations are collected only so long as there are plenty of patrons to donate. As long as they do not is the question: to give cyborg body armor or buy a loaf of bread and a carton of milk to her child? Ukraine continued to fight, crazy horses in it should be a lot more sensible than working people. Horses can not build anything. Limit their perception of the world – to select and divide. The idea of “every hero ATO we give the Donbas on Copanca and two dozen slaves” – the words of the same song. Live off the labor of slaves weaning results. This is the psychology. It is no less of slaughter than howitzer shell. In Ukraine, after the victory of the Maidan was nearly a year, but horses do not only have not resolved any social problems that led Ukraine to the Maidan, they nasozdavali new order of magnitude more! Accumulated over the past 7 months, the national debt will give even grandchildren.

Soros is obvious that sending money to Ukraine “on a penny” is not effective. Even if it is the size of a dime billion. To create a mechanism Maidan was still able to continue the war, it is necessary to pour at least $ 20 billion. And once. Later, you will need more. Soros has no doubt in the future of these injections. No new plants, factories, payment of pensions, etc. All will go eventually to war. What’s the catch? And there is no catch! Soros said in plain text: if you do not fork out for 20 yards now, the war in Ukraine is guaranteed to be lost.

The collapse of the EU as a result of defeat in the war in Ukraine

Yes, exactly! Once the “no money” to fight would be nothing. The collapse of Ukraine into separate fiefdoms follows already from the very psychology of “horses.” Behind him he will pull even larger scale economic crisis. Further collapse of government, all social sphere, health care and all the usual ways of life. Svidomye sofa heroes on the Internet telling about how they are prepared by candlelight in the basement to live, if only “Raschke was worse,” not even close to understand what they say. Be all that, they would have nothing stopped for nothing, in the third shift, stand at the bench, and sharpen tank shells or for free, at their own expense, to repair the much-needed military armored vehicles. Just something “out of money” they do not agree. So, do not agree and then.

So, after the total collapse of the economy happens decay territories. After them – the rebuilding of Ukraine on the other, Russian, principles. Putin chosen strategy allows you to get it without total destruction of Ukrainian infrastructure. A desire to continue the war with more than Muscovites successfully eliminate hunger, cold and unemployment. In the end, people will be glad of any power which would be able to work, light, heat and secure. Even if it turns moskalsko, Colorado. By the time the color of the ribbons to the public will no longer play a role. Those few maidan-infected who remain incorrigible, the Ukrainians will catch and beat. With exactly the same fury as they now support the Maidan. For the simple reason that the horses will be between them and the food.

Russia’s victory in the war with the West in Ukraine reached in their scenario, and not one of the three options outlined above, means the continuation of the Euro-Asian integration. And the rate even higher than it is today. And after the EU will cease to be the second economy in the world, all the countries of Eastern Europe will be much more profitable to cooperate with the leader than hireyuschim outsider. Nothing personal. Actually, their caregivers, “the West” in the ’80s was dictated by the same motives. Leadership change simply change the direction of the vector. Motivation will remain the same. The more so because, unlike in Europe, a new Union where they have to integrate. In every sense. I will say more, they will get for nothing serious competitive advantages, which today “mladoevropeytsy” in Europe are not even close.

This will just be the beginning of the decay of the EU. Any decay is always accompanied by numerous ruptures of economic ties and production chains. Immediately out of nowhere is formed Prorva extra people who want to have and continue to live on the same high level of consumption, but no longer have this capability. For there is no work, no money. And the prospects are not very. This does not come up with Soros. Look at the history of all the great geopolitical and geo-economic transformations. See for yourself. Just Soros knows the story much better than the absolute majority of his listeners and readers.

Decay – a collapse of the world. And it is very, very big money. More precisely – losses. Much more than some 20 MHR. dollars for some kind of Ukraine.

Europe is happening to blame herself

Well, who else? And why was the chase for more profit and move production to regions of Russia? I wanted to make money on cheap skilled labor? And why was transported factories in China, and they learn how to consume cheap Asian goods? I wanted to live better and richer for the former money? And what was to expel the street and their workers under the joyful hooting “green” solemnly endure “objects that threaten the environment”? Well, now the Europeans have a beautiful environment. And they will eat? Do not want to buy an expensive Qatari gas and expensive Arab oil? Like cheap Russian energy? Well, well done!

All gentlemen freebie has ended. His opponents, including Russia, “Europe” fattening and restored itself. Now the question is simple. Or the EU and the IMF to maintain operability forked Ukrainian military machine to continue the war with Russia in Ukraine until recently, Ukrainian, or … would not be the Europe. Not tomorrow. And not even the future spring. The process will take several years. But after the defeat of “Ukraine” will become inevitable. And the end is predictable.


Well, what’s wrong Soros? What is above him “we” stebutsya? Financier literally sees the root than once again confirms its reputation as a very clever, very shrewd and very pragmatic person. Personally, I want to applaud him only. For once even a hardened and principled opponent as a financial speculator George Soros, began in plain text “Alarm”, it means that Russia is doing everything right. The chosen strategy is correct and leads to success.

Success in every sense. From the Euro-Asian Union to save the lives of millions people fraternal Ukrainian people. Yes, contracted the svidomye National fascism. Yes, now breaking into a hysterical fit. Yes, still ready to fight with us. Still, fraternal. After all, if someone close to you gets sick, and mosques in delirium, he did not cease to be your family, you do not to throw him into the street, right? Such are the cases. And, once again, intelligent people worth listening to, even if they are your enemies. Alexander Zapolskis – international expert, especially for a REGNUM


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