Japan is planning to equip itself with over 1 000 long-range missiles.
It is trying to increase the firing range of its home-made type 12 ground-to-ship guided missiles from a few hundred kilometers to more than 1 000 kilometers, and accelerate the improved missiles to the maximum by establishing a system of supporting the expansion of production assembly lines of missile-development enterprises and by ensuring funds.
It is going to deploying long-range missiles mainly in the region from the Nansei archipelagos to Kyushu and complete the deployment by 2024, two years ahead of the plan.
The Ministry of Defense of Japan also included the contents of an early equipping of long-distance missiles in its written rough estimate for the next year’s budget.
This shows that the arms buildup of Japan is aimed at acquiring a long-range strike capability at the earliest date and, therefore, it cannot be construed otherwise than a very dangerous conception.
By law, Japan is banned from possessing all combat forces which goes against the principle of “exclusive defense”.
However, Japan has long realized the arms buildup of the “Self-Defense Forces” with such cunning methods as developing and introducing dual-use military equipment capable of offensive and defence.
During the former Abe regime, in particular, Japan massively purchased offensive weapons and equipment such as the latest stealth fighters under the pretext of countering “threats” from someone, ripping off its veneer of “exclusive defense”, and stretched out its tentacles even to space and cyberspace. As a result, it turned its “Self-Defense Forces” into a military entity equipped with things that are “more than the necessity”, not “minimum necessity”.
The Japanese reactionaries, unaware of their mere selves, are scheming to acquire even armed forces that can launch a strike out of the firing range of the other party.
It is the real intention of the Japanese reactionaries to possess at any cost the “capability to attack enemy bases” contrary to the constitution under the crafty pretext of acquiring a “counterattack capability” and maximize the capability of the “Self-Defense Forces” to fight a war of aggression as soon as possible by making new excuses to deceive the international community.
Apart from its current maneuvers to acquire long-range missiles, Japan is, in actuality, planning or carrying out many measures for arms buildup, including the research and development high-speed glide bombs and hypersonic guided missiles, building of a new type of Aegis ship capable of countering ballistic missiles and even hypersonic glide weapons, research and early acquisition of war drones and purchasing ships and transport aircraft for improving the capability for a rapid deployment of the SDF.
All these facts prove that the Japanese reactionaries are, indeed, the dangerous forces of aggression posing a serious threat to peace and stability of the region and the rest of the world through their reckless arms buildup.
Currently, the first targets of Japan’s maneuvers to acquire the “capability to attack enemy bases” are none other than the DPRK and China.
This is vividly proven by the facts that Japan strives to deploy long-range missiles amounting to more than 1 000 in the region from Kyushu near the Korean peninsula and China to the Nansei archipelagos and that the Japanese reactionary politicians are not conceal even a bit their scenario to invade the DPRK and their anti-Chinese ambition.
Japan’s maneuvers to equip itself with long-range missiles are nothing but a dangerous act of realizing its moves for overseas expansion at all costs by possessing a preemptive strike capability.
If Japan sets out the road of reinvasion to become the “leader of East Asia”, oblivious of the lesson of history, it will face merciless counterattack by the international community including the Asian people and fall to ruin.
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