The End of the ‘Reset’ Why Putin’s Re-Election Means Turbulence Ahead Andrew C. Kuchins – March 1, 2012 (photo by Wolfgang Wildner / flickr) When it comes to Russia’s political future, the only guarantee is uncertainty. Yes, on Sunday Vladimir Putin will be elected president of Russia for a six-year term, with a comfortable majority […]
Материалы: ‘Russian Elections’
Alexandr Pyatkov – Features and Padoxes of the Current Stage of the Russian Electoral Process

A. Pjatkov, Doctor of History, professor of Far Eastern branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Service at the President of the Russian Federation, the department of State and Municipal Construction. We are at the last electoral cycle, when parliamentary elections directly flow […]
Andreas Umland – How to Make Russia Democratic?

Without a broad coalition, effective pragmatism and collaboration with liberals in the ancien regime, the “White Revolution” will end as miserably as earlier Russian democratization attempts. Russia’s relationship to democracy has been historically closer than some people, both in and outside ofRussia, assume. As early as December of 1825, Tsarist Russia experienced an abortive palace […]