October 14, 2020
The editors of the scientific publication “Vestnik of the Center for the Study of International Relations in the Asia-Pacific Region” are preparing the publication of the fifth collection of articles. It is produced jointly with the the Department of National and Universal History of the Pacific National University and the Institute of Socio-Political Technologies and Communications of PNU.
Articles for publication in the “Vestnik of the Center for the Study of International Relations in the Asia-Pacific Region” are included in the Russian Science Citation Index database (RSCI).
Scientists, teachers, postgraduate students, undergraduate students of the Pacific National University and other universities and research institutes of the Russian Federation can provide materials for publication.
The topics of the works accepted for publication are: research in the fields of the international relations in the Asia-Pacific region, history, culture, political, sociology, economy of the Asia-Pacific countries. The release of collection is scheduled in December 2020.
A collection of research works of the Center Study of International Relations in the Asia-Pacific Region is being prepared for publication.
Dear colleagues,
The Study Center of International Relations in the Asia-Pacific region in a partnership with the Department of National and Universal History of the Pacific National University and Institute of socio-political technologies and communications of PNU are preparing the edition of collection of research works ” Vestnik of the Study Center of International Relations in the Asia-Pacific Region No. 5″.
Planned release date of the next edition – December 2020
Date for provide the articles for authors – till November 1, 2020
Materials are accepted in the following scientific areas:
- International relations
- Sociology and Political Science
- Foreign Regional studies
- Historical Sciences
- Cultural studies and intercultural communication
- Economy of the Asia-Pacific countries
The editors are most interested in considering the following relevant issues:
- History of international relations in the Asia-Pacific region
- The modern military-political situation in the Asia-Pacific region
- Modern international relations in the Asia-Pacific region
- Russia and the Asia-Pacific region
Historians, political scientists, sociologists, cultural scientists, economists, specialists in international relations – doctor’s degree, postgraduates and applicants, undergraduates are invited for participation.
«VESTNIK» of the Center for the Study of International Relations in the Asia-Pacific Region in the Asia-Pacific region is an analyzed printed and electronic publication, the articles published in it are posted on the portal elibrary.ru (with indexing in the RSCI). Published since 2013.
Rules for the design of scientific articles provided to The Vestnik of the Center for the Study of International Relations in the Asia-Pacific Region
- General requirements
The submitted article should cover the current topic, contain new, original results of independent research, which was not published and not sent for publication to other editions.
The uniqueness of the provided article on the system https://HYPERLINK “https://www.antiplagiat.ru/”wwwHYPERLINK
https://www.antiplagiat.ru/ antiplagiat.ru must be at least 80%.
The authors take responsibility for the content and literacy of the submitted article.
The printed version of the article and information about the author (authors) must be signed with the indication of the surname, first name, middle name.
The article needs to be reviewed. Based on the results of the review, the editors have the right to refuse publish the article or return it for revision (with reference to the reviewer’s claims).
The article and all the additional information listed below are provided in printed version at the address: Khabarovsk, Pereulok Studencheskiy 36, office 533 (Pedagogical Institute of PNU, building No. 6) or in electronic version by e-mail: 010124@pnu.edu.ru and 008899@pnu.edu.ru
- Compulsory elements of the author’s design of the article
- Requirements for the size of the article
The total size of the finished article (including the title, abstracts in Russian and in English, keywords, bibliography, footnotes, etc.) should not exceed 45,000 signs (with spaces).
- The registration order of the text by the authors
- The article should be in Russian or in English. If the article is submitted to the editorial board in Russian, the UDC, the title, the author’s personal information, the abstract, and the keywords are duplicated in English. If the article is submitted in English, the UDC, the title, the author’s personal information, abstract, and keywords are duplicated in Russian.
- The article is provided (sent by e-mail) in electronic form in Microsoft Word.
- The page format is A4
- Page orientation is portrait
- Margins – 2.5 cm
- TimesNewRoman, size 14
- Line spacing – 1,5
- Width alignment
- Paragraph indention – 1 cm
- Shift in text is automatic
- All pictures, diagrams and tables should be attached as separate files in JPG format. A text file containing the numeration, titles, and captions for each image should be enclosed.
- The registration order of the title, personal information of the author, the abstract, and other information
- UDC index (Universal decimal classification)
- Personal information of the author, including: surname, first name, middle name; academic title, academic degree; post, place of work (name of the university, organizations etc.; city, state)
- If there are several authors of the article, the above information is provided for each author
- The title, personal information, and other introductory information is given in the original language of the article and is duplicated in the second language of the publication
- The abstract in the Russian and in the English language – no more than 300 syllables (with spaces) in each of the languages
- Keywords are given in Russian and English (separated from each other by semicolons)
- Copyright mark ( © ), indicating the author and the year
- The order of registration of references and the list of literature
- Bibliographic references “List of literature (sources)” are made according to the requirements of GOST R 7.0.5-2008
- References in the text to the appropriate publication from the list of references are given in square brackets, indicating the number of the publication in the list and also page numbers separated by a comma, for example: [21, p. 75]. The use of automatic page-by-page links is not accepted
- Payment procedure
The publication in the Vestnik is on a fee basis.
The cost of publication: 1000 rubles – in the electronic version of the “Vestnik”, 1500 rubles – with giving a printed copy to the author.
This payment is used by the Center for financing:
- review of the article by specialists
- proofreading and editing of published materials
- verification and updating of the bibliographies
- the production of the electronic and printed version of the “Vestnik”
- postal expenses, including sending printed copies of the “Vestnik” to the authors
The authors pay for the publication after the editors have notified them that their articles were included in the “Vestnik of the CIMO in the Asia-Pacific Region”.
Money is transferred to the account, which is based on the CIMPO website in the APR. (https://ru.apircenter.org/)
“Translated by Daria Fedotova, APIR Center”