Carlyle A. Thayer Emeritus Professor, The University of New South Wales at the Australian Defence Force Academy, Canberra The Vietnam Communist Party (VCP) held its 12th National Congress in Hanoi from 20-28 January. The foreign news media devoted the lion’s share of attention on the contestation for the post of VCP Secretary General between incumbent […]
Материалы: ‘Press Review’
The Korean Peninsula: Is There a Nuclear War Coming?
Georgy Toloraya Doctor of Economics, Professor of Oriental Studies, Director of the Korean Studies Program of the RAS Institute of Economics In early January 2016, front pages around the world carried numerous stories on Pyongyang’s hydrogen bomb test. The flurry of comments that followed the DPRK’s announcement of conducting “a hydrogen bomb test” highlighted several […]
Apocalypse Fifth Chinese Horse. China’s Strategic Nuclear Forces
Andrey Gubin PhD in Political Science, Director of Scientific Programs of the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies at Regional Centre for Asia-Pacific Studies, Assistant Professor at the International Relations Department of Far Eastern Federal University, RIAC Expert China is rightly considered a new center of power in the modern multi-polar world. However, the growth of […]
The Putin complex
Nihal Singh Russia is going through lean times, but has intervened in the Syrian civil war to earn a major role in determining its outcome. Thus, the Western campaign to paint Mr Putin in the lurid colours of corruption. The manner in which Western leaders are piling up dirt against Russia’s President Vladimir Putin is […]
China’s Bumpy New Normal
Joseph E. Stiglitz SHANGHAI – China’s shift from export-driven growth to a model based on domestic services and household consumption has been much bumpier than some anticipated, with stock-market gyrations and exchange-rate volatility inciting fears about the country’s economic stability. Yet by historical standards, China’s economy is still performing well – at near 7% annual […]
By John Helmer, Moscow The Victorian state coroner Iain West (lead image) has concluded a 60-minute inquest into the deaths of Australians on board Malaysian Airlines MH17 by issuing a statement of findings contradicting the coroner’s own statements, as well as the evidence of reports from the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and courtroom testimony from […]
Ways an Asian War Could Erupt
Alex Ward At times of global instability, the places where things remain calm stand out. That is the case with northeast Asia, the area primarily comprised of China, Japan, parts of Russia and the two Koreas. Due to the generosity of the Korean Economic Institute and Korea Foundation, I had the chance recently to […]
The Ukraine place in the United States’ plans against Russia
During the conference, sponsored by the oil company Chevron, US Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland reported that, since 1991, her country had invested in Ukraine, which is one of the most strategically important countries, more than 5 billion dollars. She added that it was done not to eradicate poverty. A few days before there was […]
Putin’s “Endgame” in Syria
Russia doesn’t want to fight a war with Turkey, so Russian generals devised a simple, but effective plan to discourage Turkey from taking any action that could lead to a clash between the two nations. Last week, Russian warplanes intruded into Turkish airspace twice. Both incidents caused consternation in Ankara and send Turkish leaders into […]
The Empire of Chaos is in a Jam
The no-fly zone in Syria already exists. It is run by Russia and Washington is unable to jam it. NATO is desperate. The Pentagon is desperate. Imagine waking up one day in Washington and Brussels just to realize Russia has the ability to electronically jam — detect, trace, disable, destroy — NATO electronics within a 600 km range across Syria (and southern Turkey). […]